01. rujna 2023.

Projekt SUSTAINABLE – privode se kraju radovi postavljanja panela

Kako je prethodno i splitski dogradonačelnik Antonio Kuzmanić najavio,  radovi na svim objektima u sklopu projekta „SuSTainable - Povećanje kapaciteta za proizvodnju solarne energije na javnim objektima u vlasništvu Grada Splita“ odvijaju u skladu s planiranom dinamikom.

Već početkom ljeta postavljene su trase i kabeli, potom montirane podkonstrukcije za fotonaponske elektrane i u tijeku je montaža samih panela koji se postavljaju prvo na kosim a potom na ravnim krovovima.

Izgledno je da će radovi na svih 14 objekta u vlasništvu Grada Splita – vrtića, škola i sportskoj dvorani na Gripama biti gotovi do kraja rujna. Prema trenutačnoj dinamici provedbe radova instalacije solarnih panela, tijekom listopada provodit će se testiranje i postepeno puštanje u rad instaliranih elektrana.

Tijekom provedbe projekta provjerena je energetska infrastruktura objekata te su uočeni nedostaci i od izvođača radova je naručena izrada shema za glavne razvodne ormare (GRO) koji su bili u jako lošem stanju. Naime, zbog dotrajalosti glavnih razvodnih ormara isti su zamijenjeni kako ne bi dovesli do problema u radu solarnih elektrana koje se na školama i vrtićima instaliraju u sklopu projekta SuSTainable. Tim zahvatom su obuhvaćeni objekti: OŠ Visoka, OŠ Ravne njive, OŠ Lokve Gripe, OŠ Mejaši, OŠ Žrnovnica, OŠ Brda te dječji vrtići More i Mala sirena. Po završetku radova tvrtka Espera će dostaviti sve nacrte i projekte s izvedenim stanjem za sve objekte na kojima će se izvesti rekonstrukcija GRO (u ovom trenutku takva dokumentacija odnosno dokumentacija postojećeg stanja ne postoji).

Kako se ne bi ometala nastava većina radova odvija se tijekom ljetnih praznika, a osim značajnih ušteda na računima za energente koje će objekti ostvariti po puštanju solarnih elektrana u rad, ovim projektom olakšat će se budući prelazak školama na cjelodnevni program nastave. Do ovog trenutka su fotonaponske elektrane postavljene na sedam od ukupno 14 objekata uključenih u projekt i to:  DV Mala sirena, DV More, DV Ružmarin, OŠ Lokve - Gripe, OŠ Mejaši, OŠ Brda i OŠ Žrnovnica.

Projekt „SuSTainable“ prijavile su gradske službe u suradnji s gradskom razvojnom agencijom RaST, a financiraju ga države Islanda, Lihtenštajna i Norveške putem Financijskog mehanizma Europskog gospodarskog prostora (EGP) za razdoblje 2014. – 2021. godine u okviru Programa „Energija i klimatske promjene“. Ukupna vrijednost projekta je 650.152,44 eura, a postotak sufinanciranja 85%.

Objekti na kojima se instaliraju fotonaponske elektrane su osnovne škole Brda, Lokve - Gripe, Kamen - Šine, Mejaši, Pujanke, Ravne njive - Neslanovac, Stobreč, Visoka, Žnjan - Pazdigrad i Žrnovnica, zatim dječji vrtići Mala sirena, More i Ružmarin te dvorana Košarkaškog kluba Split na Gripama.


SUSTAINABLE project – panel installation works are nearly completed

As previously announced by the Deputy Mayor of Split, Antonio Kuzmanić, the works on all buildings within the project "SuSTainable - increasing the capacity for the production of solar energy on public buildings owned by the City of Split" are taking place in accordance with the planned dynamics.

Already at the beginning of summer, routes and cables were installed, then the substructures for the photovoltaic power plants were mounted, and the installation of the panels themselves, which are installed first on the pitched and then on the flat roofs, is underway.

It is likely that the work on all 14 buildings owned by the City of Split - kindergartens, schools and the sports hall Gripe - will be finished by the end of September. According to the current dynamics of the implementation of the solar panels installation works, testing and gradual commissioning of the installed power plants will be carried out during October.

During the implementation of the project, the energy infrastructure of the buildings was tested, and deficiencies were observed on several.  Due to this situation the construction of schemes for the main distribution cabinets was ordered from the contractor, which were in a very bad condition. Namely, due to the dilapidation of the main distribution cabinets, they were replaced in order not to cause problems in the operation of solar power plants that are installed at schools and kindergartens within the SuSTainable project. This upgrade includes the Elementary Schools Visoka, Ravne Njive, Lokve-Gripe, Mejaši, Žrnovnica, Brda and kindergartens More and Mala Sirena.

Upon completion of the works, the Espera company will deliver all blueprints and projects with the executed state for all buildings on which the reconstruction of the main distribution cabinets will be carried out (at the moment, such documentation or documentation of the current state does not exist).

In order not to disrupt education, most of the work takes place during the summer holidays, and in addition to the significant savings on energy bills that the facilities will achieve when the solar power plants are put into operation, this project will facilitate the future transition of schools to an all-day teaching program. Up to now, photovoltaic power plants have been installed at seven of the 14 facilities included in the project, namely: kindergartens Mala Sirena, More, Ružmarin, and elementary schools Lokve - Gripe, Mejaši, Brda and Žrnovnica.

The "SuSTainable" project was pitched by the City of Split with the development agency of the City of Split - RaST, and is financed by the states of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA) for the period 2014-2021 as part of the Program "Energy and Climate changes". Its total value is 650,152.44 euros, while the percentage of co-financing is 85%. The facilities where photovoltaic power plants are installed are the elementary schools Brda, Lokve - Gripe, Kamen - Šine, Mejaši, Pujanke, Ravne njive - Neslanovac, Stobreč, Visoka, Žnjan - Pazdigrad and Žrnovnica, then the kindergartens Mala Sirena, More and Ružmarin and the sports hall of the Split Basketball Club at Gripe.

