10. svibnja 2023.

Projekt SuSTainable: već na početku projekta stvaraju se preduvjeti za proširenje sustava na postojećim i novim lokacijama

Trenutačno je u Splitu instalirano samo desetak integriranih sunčanih elektrana i to uglavnom na privatnim kućama. Upravo se tu krije ogroman prostor za napredak s obzirom na to da bi Split zahvaljujući klimatskim uvjetima, po metru kvadratnom godišnje mogao prosječno dobivati 1500 kW električne energije. Imajući to u vidu, vrijednost i značaj projekta „SuSTainable“, kao i potencijal za uštedu, postaju još izraženiji.

Istovremeno u zemljama EU solarna energija upravo ulazi u najplodnije doba. Štoviše, neki stručnjaci kažu da je 2022. godinom počela solarna era. Samo je te godine instalirano rekordnih 41.4 GW solarne energije, što je drastičan skok od gotovo 50 posto u odnosu na 2021. godinu (28.1 GW). Da dočaramo o kakvoj se snazi tu radi, tih 41.4 GW dovoljno je za opskrbu čak 12.4 milijuna kućanstava! Split, u ovom kontekstu možemo reći, ide ukorak s ostatkom razvijene Europe.

Konkretno, u OŠ Mertojak prethodno postavljeni solarni paneli mjesečno umanje trošak energenata za nešto više od 400 eura mjesečno, što je preko polovice računa za energente te škole. Na spomenutih 14 javnih objekata zahvaljujući provedbi projekta „SuSTainable – povećanje kapaciteta za proizvodnju solarne energije na javnim objektima u vlasništvu Grada Splita“ postavit će se snaga od gotovo 800 megavata, što bi godišnje trebalo donijeti uštedu do čak 100.000 eura.

Plan je da tvrtka „Split Parking“ u budućnosti  upravlja svim fotonaponskim elektranama u vlasništvu Grada kako bi se centralizacijom upravljanja postigla veća optimizacija rada i iskoristivost cjelokupnog sustava.

 Split Parking d.o.o. će u budućnosti vršiti operativni nadzor i upravljanje fotonaponskim elektranama što uključuje nadzor svih fizikalnih svojstava elektrane (vrijednosti struja, napona, snage, temperature, opterećenja sustava i slično). To također uključuje organizaciju periodičkih i interventnih pregleda instaliranih fotonaponskih elektrana, dojavu problema vlasniku objekta na kojem je ista instalirana, intervencije u hitnim situacijama, savjetovanja i podršku u budućim proširenjima postojećih elektrana. – pojasnio je Davor Matošić, direktor „Split Parkinga“.

Drugi sastanak projektnog tima ticao se sanacije krovišta i istočnog zida dvorane KK Split gdje je utvrđeno da projekt sanacije ne utječe na postavljanje fotonaponske elektrane, a održani su i koordinacijski sastanci u osnovnim školama Žrnovnica i Kamen – Šine.

U ovoj uvodnoj fazi projekta održano je i nekoliko koordinacijskih sastanaka. Kod zamjenika splitskog gradonačelnika Antonija Kuzmanića raspravljalo se o novim brojilima prema HEP-u. Drago Blažić, voditelj projekta je objasnio zašto:

„Razlog je taj što se prema trenutnom postojećem zakonu nadoplata snage u kilovatima ne nadoplaćuje za nova brojila kod sustava solarnih elektrana. No, u planu je promjena zakona po kojoj bi se počelo naplaćivati 179.18 eura po 1 kW. Naime, fotoelektrane koje se sada postavljaju na školama i vrtićima spojit će se na razvodni ormar i električnu energiju koja se dobije na taj način moguće je koristiti samo za osobne svrhe, a ne komercijalne.“

Blažić je dodao i kako je u tijeku faza filtriranja objekta na koje je moguće postavljati nove komercijalne elektrane kojima će upravljati „Split parking“. Dogovoreno je da se ide s izradom glavnog projekta za što je moguće više objekata kako bi i uštede bile značajnije.

Grad Split ostavlja mogućnost proširenja samog sustava na postojećim i novim lokacijama s ciljem distribucije viška proizvedene električne energije putem Split parkinga kao agregatora.

To bi omogućilo međusobnu razmjenu proizvedene električne energije između komunalnih poduzeća i drugih institucija i tvrtki u vlasništvu Grada Splita.“, dodao je Davor Matošić, direktor „Split Parkinga“.

Solarna energija predstavlja i ključan adut u današnjim kriznim vremenima, nakon pandemije Covid-19 i sada rata u Ukrajini. Konkretno, trenutačnim tempom EU bi u 2023. mogla instalirati do 60 GW solarne energije čime bi se gotovo u potpunosti mogao nadoknaditi manjak ruskog plina. Brojne analize i komentari stručnjaka ukazuju na to da će se, s obzirom na aktualnu političku situaciju u svijetu i inflaciju, visoke cijene energenata vjerojatno zadržati i u godinama koje dolaze, što znači da bi solarna energija i dalje trebala biti dragocjena.

Projekt „SuSTainable“ prijavile su gradske službe u suradnji s razvojnom agencijom Grada Splita RaST, a financiraju ga države Islanda, Lihtenštajna i Norveške putem Financijskog mehanizma Europskog gospodarskog prostora (EGP) za razdoblje 2014. – 2021. godine u okviru Programa „Energija i klimatske promjene“. Njegova je ukupna vrijednost 650.152,44 eura ili nešto manje od 4,9 milijuna kuna, dok je postotak sufinanciranja 85%.



The SuSTainable project: already at the beginning of the project, prerequisites are created for the expansion of the system in existing and new locations

Currently, only a dozen of integrated solar power plants are installed in Split, mostly on private houses. So, there is a huge opportunity for improvement as due to climate, Split could receive an average of 1,500 kW of electricity per square meter every year. Bearing this in mind, the value and significance of the "SuSTainable" project, as well as the potential for savings, become even more perceptible.

At the same time, in the EU countries, solar energy is entering its most fruitful period. Moreover, some experts considered that 2022 solar era started. A record of 41.4 GW of solar energy was installed during that year, which is a drastic jump of almost 50 percent compared to 2021 (28.1 GW). To illustrate the power we are talking about, that 41.4 GW is enough to supply as many as 12.4 million households! In this context, we can say that Split is keeping pace with the rest of developed Europe.

For example, solar panels previously installed in Elementary School Mertojak reduced the cost of energy by slightly more than 400 euros per month, which is more than half of the school's energy expense. Thanks to the implementation of the project "SuSTainable - increasing the capacity for the production of solar energy on public buildings owned by the City of Split", a power of almost 800 megawatts will be installed on 14 public buildings, which should bring annual savings of up to 100,000 euros.

The plan is for the company "Split Parking" to manage all photovoltaic power plants owned by the City, in order to achieve greater optimization and utilization of the entire system through the centralized management.

 "In the future Split Parking Ltd. will be in charge for operational supervision and management of photovoltaic power plants, which includes monitoring of all physical properties of the power plant (values ​​of current, voltage, power, temperature, system load, etc.). This also includes the organization of maintenance and intervention inspections of installed photovoltaic power plants, notification of eventual problems to the owner of the facility where it is installed, interventions in case of emergency, consulting, and support in future expansions of existing power plants." explained Davor Matošić, director of "Split Parking".

The second meeting of the project team concerned the renovation of the roof and the eastern wall of the KK Split sports hall. It was determined that the renovation project does not affect the installation of the photovoltaic power plant, and coordination meetings also took place in the elementary schools Žrnovnica and Kamen - Šine.

In this introductory phase of the project, several coordination meetings were organized. With the Deputy Mayor of Split, Antoni Kuzmanić, new electric meters according to HEP Group – the national energy company were discussed. Drago Blažić, the project manager, explained why:

"According to the existing law, the power surcharge in kilowatts is not surcharged for new meters in solar power plant systems. However, there are plans to change the law, according to which 179.18 euros per 1 kW would be charged. Namely, the photoelectric plants that are now being installed at schools and kindergartens will be connected to the distribution cabinet and the electricity obtained in this way can only be used for stated purposes, not commercial.”

Blažić added that the filtering phase of the facility where it is possible to install new commercial power plants, which will be managed by "Split parking", is in progress. It was agreed to proceed with the creation of the main project for as many buildings as possible so that the savings would be even greater.

"The City of Split has a possibility of expanding the system itself in existing and new locations with the aim of distributing excess electricity produced through Split Parking as an aggregator.

This would enable mutual exchange of produced electricity between utility companies and other institutions and companies owned by the City of Split," added Davor Matošić, director of "Split Parking".

Solar energy is also a key asset in today's crisis times, after the Covid-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine. In particular, the EU could install up to 60 GW of solar energy in 2023, which could almost completely compensate the shortage of Russian gas. Numerous analyzes and comments by experts indicate that, considering the current political situation in the world and the inflation, the high prices of energy will probably remain in the years to come, which means that solar energy should continue to be even more valuable.

The "SuSTainable" project was pitched by the City of Split with the development agency of the City of Split - RaST, and it is financed by the states of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA) for the period 2014-2021 as part of the Program "Energy and Climate changes". Its total value is 650,152.44 euros or slightly less than 4.9 million kunas, while the percentage of co-financing is 85%.

