



Final Concert of the Folklore School "Branko Šegović" and the School of Mandolin, Guitar, and Tambourines of FA Jedinstvo

6/6/2024 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Final Concert of the Folklore School "Branko Šegović" and the School of Mandolin, Guitar, and Tambourines of FA Jedinstvo

On Thursday, June 6th, 2024, starting at 7 p.m. at the Croatian National Theater Split, the young dancers from "Jedinstvo" will showcase the diversity of Croatian heritage and our tradition of dances, compositions, and songs they have worked on throughout the school year.

After last year's jubilee 30th Final Concert, young dancers and musicians return again this year to the theater stage to showcase a folk music and dance program. The folklore ensemble "Jedinstvo" is the only folklore society in the broader area that can boast the continuity of holding full-length annual children's concerts. During 90 minutes, members of the Folklore School "Branko Šegović" and the Mandolin, Guitar, and Tamburitza School will perform songs and dances from all four dance zones of Croatian folklore.