



LITTLE RASCAL by Tisja Kljaković Braić in CNT Split

6/1/2024 8:00 PM - 10:30 PM

Director Mario Kovač has taken on the dramatization of the story about a little girl growing up under the care of her grandmother and grandfather. She hides in a kiosk, dislikes going to kindergarten, plays cards with her grandfather supporting Hajduk, and goes swimming with neighbors under Marjan. From birth until the onset of the war, which coincides with the author's enrollment in high school, we follow the family – father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, and neighbors from the same building and street, with the protagonist, a mischievous girl, intelligent, gifted, and a bit spoiled, at the center. Through a series of entertaining stories, blending laughter and tears, we witness a typical Dalmatian and Mediterranean childhood full of joy, trust, and love.

The play is performed in Croatian without subtitles.

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