
Detalj projekta

Projekt SUSTAINABLE i Grad Split za bolji svit

Brojni su Splićani svih dobnih skupina proveli prvi dan ljeta u raznim aktivnostima na platou HVK-a Gusar u Spinutu te se između ostalog i informirali u kojoj je fazi postavljanje solarnih elektrana na školama, vrtićima i dvorani u sklopu projekta SuSTainable. Informativni dan za građane održao se u sklopu eko kampanje "Za bolji svit Hajduk Split" koja naglašava važnost očuvanja okoliša i promicanje održivosti što je poslužilo i za inspiraciju splitskom prvoligašu pri izradi novog trećeg dresa koji simbolizira snagu i predanost Hajduka u stvaranju boljeg i održivijeg svijeta.

Posjetitelji su uživali u raznim aktivnostima, a uz informacije o projektu „SuSTainable - povećanje kapaciteta za proizvodnju solarne energije na javnim objektima u vlasništvu Grada Splita“ prisutni su bili i kreatori GIS platforme Grada Splita. Riječ je o najnovijoj usluzi kojom Grad potiče građane da na vrlo jednostavan način dobiju informativni izračun o potencijalu proizvodnje električne energije iz sunca na krovu vlastite kuće ili zgrade, a potom i iznos ulaganja i procjenu povrata. Po broju Splićana koji su se zadržali na promotivnim punktovima, potvrđeno je da interes itekako postoji jer je sve veći broj građana svjestan mnogih prednosti koje električna energija iz obnovljivih izvora donosi prirodi, ali i kućnom budžetu. Podijeljeni su i brojni promotivni materijali projekta SuSTainable, koji su u skladu s projektom izrađeni od recikliranih ili prirodnih materijala ili se napajaju iz sunca poput solarne lampe i solarnih kalkulatora.

U organizaciji Grada osmišljen je i program za najmlađe koii su s nestrpljenjem iščekivali, a potom se i jako zabavili gledajući dječju predstavu "Keko eko" Produkcije Z. Predstavi je prethodila eko radionica koja ih je podučila važnosti čuvanja okoliša kroz kreativne aktivnosti i igru, dok su oni stariji podržali ekološku akciju čišćenja podmorja u Spinutu koju je provela udruga "Oceanus" te razgledali električne automobile i što je najvažnije, zabavili se u odličnoj atmosferi istovremeno informirajući se o brojnim mogućnostima za ekološki i održivi razvoj Grada, ali i vlastite svakodnevnice.

Podsjetimo, projektom SuSTainable instaliraju se integrirane fotonaponske elektrane na 14 javnih objekata u vlasništvu Grada Splita – osnovne škole, vrtiće i sportsku dvoranu KK Split, kako bi se iskoristila sunčeva energija i povećala proizvodnja električne energije iz obnovljivih izvora. Ovim projektom proizvodnja električne energije povećat će se za 795 MWh godišnje te će 14 objekata ostvarivati uštedu od skoro 100.000 eura godišnje. Ciljevi projekta su osiguravanje stabilnosti napajanja električnom energijom i povećanje energetske neovisnosti objekata, smanjenje emisija CO2 za 186 tona godišnje i ublažavanje negativnih posljedica klimatskih promjena.

Projekt je financiran od strane Islanda, Lihtenštajna i Norveške putem Financijskog mehanizma Europskog gospodarskog prostora (EGP) za razdoblje 2014. – 2021. godine u okviru Programa „Energija i klimatske promjene”. Ukupna vrijednost projekta je 650.152,44 EUR dok je postotak sufinanciranja 85%.


The SUSTAINABLE project and the City of Split for a better world

Numerous people from Split of all age groups spent the first day of summer in various activities in the area in front of Croatian Rowing Club Gusar in Spinut and, among other, they were informed about the process of installation of solar power plants in schools, kindergartens and sport hall within the project SuSTainable. The info-day for citizens took place as part of the eco-campaign "Hajduk Split for a better world", which emphasizes the importance of preserving the environment and promoting sustainability. This also served as an inspiration for the Split’s football team during the creation a new third jersey that symbolizes the strength and commitment of Hajduk in creating a better and more sustainable world.

Visitors enjoyed various activities, and along with getting informed about the project "SuSTainable - increasing the capacity for solar energy production on public facilities owned by the City of Split", the creators of the GIS platform – The Solar Map of the City of Split were also present at the event. This is the newest service that encourages citizens to obtain in a very simple way, an informative calculation about the potential of solar energy production on the roof of their own house or building, and then the investment amount and return estimate. According to the number of people from Split who stoped at the promotional points, it was confirmed that the interest really exists because an increasing number of citizens are aware of the many advantages that electricity from renewable sources brings to nature and to the household budget. Numerous promotional materials of the SuSTainable project were also distributed, which in accordance with the project are made of recycled or natural materials or are powered by the sun, such as solar lamps and solar calculators.

Organized by the City, a program was designed also for the youngest who eagerly awaited and then had a lot of fun watching the children's play "Keko eco" by Production Z. The play was preceded by an eco-workshop that taught them the importance of protecting the environment through creative activities and play. The older ones supported the ecological action of cleaning the seabed in Spinut, which was carried out by the "Oceanus" association, got more information about the electric cars and, most importantly, had fun in a great atmosphere while being informed about the many possibilities for the ecological and sustainable development of the City, as well as their own daily lives.

As a reminder, the SuSTainable project installs integrated photovoltaic power plants on 14 public buildings owned by the City of Split - elementary schools, kindergartens and the sports hall of KK Split, in order to use solar energy and increase the production of electricity from renewable sources. With this project, electricity production will increase by 795 MWh per year, and 14 facilities will achieve savings of almost 100,000 euros per year. The goals of the project are to ensure the stability of the electricity supply and increase the energy independence of buildings, reduce CO2 emissions by 186 tons per year and mitigate the negative consequences of climate change.

The SuSTainable project was financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA) for the period 2014-2021 within the "Energy and Climate Change" Programme. The total value of the project is EUR 650,152.44, while the percentage of co-financing is 85%.


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